Thursday, September 20, 2007


I wonder if there is a parallel. For weeks now, endless insight and deep philosophical discussions surround me. Strangers, old friends, family – ordinary encounters quickly dive into an unusual depth. Peeling back the layers of thought and peeking behind cliché answers and experiencing humanity in a refreshingly authentic way. I’ve been wildly productive with a fraction of the anxiety or stress I’m accustomed to shouldering and all of my relationships have blossomed. It just dawned on me that simultaneously, for those same weeks and months, I’ve been physically detoxing, preparing for an 9 day cleanse that crescendos today.

A very slow and easy stripping of caffeine, junk food, sweeteners and an increase of whole foods, water and conscious eating coupled with a swap of my vigorous yoga for extra gentle yoga has literally created an absolutely natural awakening. I don’t know why I’m surprised. Yoga works.

Until right now, it’s been mildly tempting to start re-toxing – introducing the junk back in, but now I realize that it deafens my senses, dulls my mind and throws my balance. What we eat is what we are. Nothing new here, its just nice when it resonates so loud that you can't miss it.

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