Thursday, December 23, 2010

Family of Many Faiths

It can be a touchy and unpopular subject during such a season of ‘joy,’ but faith and religion are at the heart of the holidays. I’ve been privileged to come from a family of many faiths. It allows me to see things from varied perspectives and continues to open my eyes and heart. Religion is powerful. It creates great division and great unity. I’ve seen it drive families apart and pull strangers together. It has the capacity to elevate a person to profound places or enslave them to guilt. But what I see most, beneath the veil of religion, is beautiful expressions of faith, passion and love. As we gather with family and friends, with Christians, Jews, Yogis, Muslims or Agnostics, it is these common threads that deserve center stage.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
~Mother Teresa~

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