Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yoga Thoughts On A Snowy Morning

So far the daily yoga does not feel like so much of a challenge. I welcome it. We'll see as time goes on if I still feel that way. My more interesting thoughts came around the food journal. I have noticed after just a few days that keeping track of what I eat is making me be more present, accountable & mindful of what I eat & more emotionally connected. It is very easy to eat mindlessly. So as in my yoga practice I am just observing, no judgment. And after all present moments are holy moments.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have wondered for a long time, why I can talk myself out of doing yoga all day long and then once I get there, I love it and I feel so much better. It is maddening to me and I would love some insite. Example: spent all day thinking of NOT going to class, went to Donna's gentle class and loved it, felt so much looser, and slept like a baby. I guess the bottom line is why do I resist those things that I know will make me feel better? HUM?