The 21 Day Challenge is slowly coming to an end this week. Staff members were giving a month and asked to pick a 21 day time span to "do more yoga and see what happens". Most have completed their journey, myself included, which leaves me to ask, "What's next?"
Before, I look toward the future, perhaps a recap is in order.
Do More Yoga. Check. I did more yoga. 21 days of yoga.
See What Happens. Check. A lot happened.
Physically, I'm sore but I can reach things that I couldn't reach before, like having fingers that touch now when I attempt certain binds and I got further along in my quest to get into Bakasana than ever before. My core strength improved as well.
I stole a lot of great teaching ideas from all the teachers I've been taking class from. I'm not going to lie. I did it. But hey, imitation is the biggest form of flattery, right? Consider it a compliment if you notice something strangely familiar when you come to my classes.
But mostly, a lot of what happened, happened in my head and frankly, it's all jumbled up. Here's a small sampling of the random thoughts that popped up over the course of 3 weeks?
What the hell is up with my left leg today?
Is she serious? Jump from down dog into crow?
I wish we could speed this up.
Hello? Can we slow this down a tad?
Cool song.
Nice flow from Crescent Lunge into Eagle.
Sweet adjustment.
Maybe I should give more time for my students to explore their down dog?
One more chatarunga and I might just collapse.
Lets try knees down.
Lets try just heading straight to down dog.
Child's pose is probably best at this point.
That taco before class was a bad idea.
Yes...half pigeon..give me 10 breaths, mama.
Is that smell me? Naw, it's her. Nope, it's me. Maybe it's him. Oh hell, I don't know?
Trikonasana - nice.
I wonder where she got those yoga pants?
What the hell was I thinking picking this pair of underwear?
Eagle crunches - are you shitting me?
I survived Eagle crunches, I ROCK!
Is that shooting pain coming from my deltoid or lateral tricep?
Ice or heat?
I'd kill for a hair tie right now.
This savasana is wild - I wonder if this is what a drug trip feels like?
How can that lady be 20 years older than me, but have the body of someone 20 years younger?
I think farts should be like sneezes and coughs - no harm, no foul (except the odor) - get back to the practice, genius.
I'm not mad that someone's phone keeps vibrating, but now I'm concerned. The caller must be in some serious trouble to call every 30 seconds.
Nice "OM" - was someone harmonizing?
Keep in mind, that was a SAMPLING!
So what's next?
Clearly, heading to the studio daily isn't an option right now. My kids were annoyed. Dinner time suffered. Yet when I do yoga at home, it never feels close to how it feels when I take class at the studio. The great part of going daily was that I was forced to take what worked with my schedule which forced me by default to get a variety. No matter what class, style, type or teacher, I found that by simply being open to the experience, I got exactly what I needed, often times not realizing that I needed it until later.
When I pick and choose my yoga, based on preference, I think I miss out. My ego gets involved and I hit a flow class when I truly need gentle. Or my fear gets involved and I avoid an advanced class when that's exactly what's missing.
I did more yoga only to realize that I need more yoga. I also realized that it might be next to impossible for my practice to truly be a moving meditation instead of a freak show of constant mental commentary. Maybe a quiet mind will never be in the cards for me and honestly, I'm okay with that. Who knows, maybe the mental chatter that occurs during the practice is the outlet I need for my mind to be quiet and focus during the rest of my day?
So I guess, that's what's next. Keep doing more yoga and keep seeing what happens!
Who's with me?
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