Friday, October 19, 2007


In the now.

So after the first weeks of yoga I started taking deep breaths while driving, walking around or taking a shower in the morning. Suddenly I rediscovered what was around me. With each deep inhale not only air was entering my body but many other things. I noticed a smile from somebody in the street, the sound of a cricket on the sidewalk, the wind in my hair, the ever changing color of the sky or the warm water on my skin. All these things go by unnoticed if I don’t take in the moment, the now of my life. I thought I was always aware of my surroundings but now I realize there is a difference between noticing and looking for. In the first case we observe, notice and are open to what might come in, to what we might receive. In the second case we are looking for something, we are narrowing our observation which means we are setting ourselves up to miss on all that we are not looking for. Yoga is making me more of an observer, a calm observer, balancing out the eager searcher inside me.

…‘todo esta en calma, deja que el beso dure, deja que el tiempo cure, deja que el alma tenga la misma edad que la edad del cielo’… Jorge Drexler

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