Dear Yogis - In honor of Valentine's Day & the spirit of love and openness the Sol Yoga community represents, SY's own Kandi Austin has graced our blog with a beautiful excerpt on the heart centered Anusara Yoga. To enjoy Kandi's exceptional take on yoga, visit her Tuesdays for lunch at our TJ Drive location.
Anusara…to follow your heart…to be in the flow….flowing with Grace
Anusara yoga founded in 1997, by John Friend, is based on hatha yoga. It unifies a life affirming philosophy of intrinsic goodness with remarkable elegant Universal Principles of Alignment. It’s an integrated style of hatha yoga in which the artistic glory of the human heart blends with scientific principles of biomechanics.
Anusara’s popularity is due to both it’s exceptionally effective Universal Principles of Alignment, and to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a “celebration of the heart”, which looks for the good in all people and all things.
Heart oriented, spiritually inspiring, and grounded in sophisticated alignment principles, Anusara yoga easily becomes a part of our daily lives.
As a yoga student or teacher, we remember, that we all learn from each other. During each class we all give and receive. It is a fascinating exchange, where there is no competition, nothing weighing the heart down. There is beauty and love permeating the room…there is healing and rejuvenation…there is restoration and transformation…there is gratitude for the wisdom passed on for thousands of years…there is community and awareness.
As we move through our practice…there is always the expression of the heart…the giving and receiving of energy. The active breath uplifts our spirit as it interweaves the threads of our intention into our body while uniting the mind… soul… spirit… heart.
This Valentine week, let your heart swell with the blessings in your life…put troubles aside…take time to focus on the good around you, in you. Open to grace, to the rainbow of life’s experiences. Our attitude distinguishes us and transform us. Let your heart be light. Recognize the beauty and strength in you, and then express your beautiful heart for others. Doing so, is a gift so easily given…so gratefully received.
Breathe deep, love deep…Kandi
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