Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Winter can be a rough time for everyone. Shorter days, colder weather and wintery mixes can keep us trapped in doors and starved for sandals and sunlight. While many Americans struggle with depression year round, the number of people who suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) skyrockets in the winter months. SY's Julie Kaus has added a guest blog below explaining the connection between yoga and your mood. To find out more about how yoga can help you this winter, join Juilie this Saturday, February 23rd at Sol Yoga from 11-1pm for Yoga For Your Moods.

Yogis believe we are born whole and connected and that we get depressed because we get disconnected from our true selves and because of not enough prana/spirit/life energy.

Often our chests are collapsed and shoulders are slumped so we are not getting enough oxygen to the brain and into the lungs. Stress is, also, a big contributor to depression and posture has been linked to mood as well. More and more research is being conducted that shows yoga to be an effective tool in managing moods. A regular practice of yoga postures and breathwork can relieve tension; elevate & calm the mood; improve oxygen and blood flow; increase access to feelings and emotions and reduce the stress hormone cortisol.

Some great poses to combat depression, quiet the mind and open the chest are:

  • Reclining/supported cross-legged or cobbler pose (lie on blankets or bolsters)

  • Supported backbends (ie on blankets or bolsters)

  • Supported Downward Facing Dog or wide angle forward bend (Use block or bolster under forehead)

  • Half moon pose at a wall

  • Inversions

Julie Kaus is a graduate of the Anusara Teacher Training Program taught by Kathleen Hogan and Moses Brown, Certified Anusara Teacher Trainers. She has been studying yoga since 2001. Julie is also a psychotherapist and incorporates a “journey to self” approach to both disciplines. She loves sharing the joy of yoga and helping students experience the many physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga practice.

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