Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dorcstock '08!

I'm all about traditions lately. I didn't know this about myself until recently though. I thought I was a commitment-phobe who avoided routine at all costs. While on a micro level this may be true, I have come to realize that on a macro level I am deeply wedded to tradition.

I had the chance to revel in a blossoming Frederick tradition this past weekend: DORCSTOCK - an evening of fire, food and fun hosted by the fabulous DQ McWilliams and her family. Candlelight, campfire, pumpkins, fall brew, mulled wine, friends, babies, moms, dads, soup, pumpkin bread and a sprinkling of tents pitched by the brave overnighters set the scene for Dorcstock this year. With a big sweater and some gloves on, I got to mingle with new and familiar faces. As the sun set and the night got colder, we all gathered around the campfire in a big circle on logs and borrowed chairs. To me gathering around a fire feels like the oldest and most natural tradition. Whether for warmth, roasting, song, dance or chat, fires naturally create a meeting place that mimics the circular nature of our dinner tables, our planet and our lives.

Dorcstock is a delight. Something to think about and look forward to throughout the year. Even though we gather with friends and family constantly, there is something fun about making it official; something exciting about picking a date, deeming it significant and seeing what happens.

Mark October 10th, 2009 on your calendars for next year's DorcStock!


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