Saturday, October 18, 2008


I went to yoga this morning and if I'm being honest, I have to confess that its been a while. I've done a tree or a triangle here or there and lots of deep breathing to get thru the day, but an honest to goodness class has not been in my life for a solid 3 weeks. My husband thought for sure i must be pregnant (i'm NOT) because I've been so grumpy and crabby, my body hurts so badly that i feel like i need xrays to make sure my bones aren't cracked and my mind has been about as dull and round and stuck in the mud as an old buried tire.

But alas, my brain feels like an open fire hydrant bursting with original thoughts, creative ideas and my god, INSPIRATION! As easy as turning on a switch, I feel ALIVE!

Could it be the yoga? Why yes, of course. I laugh at myself because I learn this lesson over and over and over again. It goes something like this: be disciplined (do yoga) and feel balanced. Then, get a little cocky about how balanced I am naturally, and fall into a lazy streak (or in this case, spend 12 months growing, having and tending to a baby). Finally, get so frustrated and out of whack that I am forced to put life on hold and get back on my mat. Its a simple formula: regular yoga = stable mood, healthy inspiration, supple body.

But since i'm being honest (isn't that what blogging is about anyway?), I must also confess that I wrote the previous three paragraphs hours ago and my post yoga buzz has all but worn off. Life called me back in the midst of my high. And while the inspiration isn't flowing at manic levels as it was back then (this morning), the lesson is learned: get your ass on your mat everyday!

(sometimes we need a little nudge, a little push out the door to get us back on the right track. and herein lies the beauty of having a community of comrades. thanks is in order for kristina and laura for inspiring me to make it happen this morning. god knows nothing is easy with a newborn dictating your schedule)

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