Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finding Spiritual Wellness Through Physical Health

For Christmas my husband, Jeff, bought me a mostly-just-for-fun gift of a natal chart and astrological transit reading. I spent two hours talking with a woman about how things were when I was born and how things are now and how all of that interacts, in terms of stars and planets and energies and stuff. It was a lot of fun. Apparently my chart is a little (or actually a lot) crazy right now and supposedly, in two years, I'll be an entirely different person.

One of the things she stressed to me the most was that I needed to find a daily spiritual practice that contains a physical element. She said that, and pretty much that alone, will get me through the transitions of the next couple years. A week later I conveniently started the Sol Yoga 21-Day Challenge. Pretty amazing how these things work themselves out.

On the first day of the challenge, a clear intention came to me for the purpose of the next 21 days -- to find spiritual wellness through physical health. To get my body in better shape than it has ever been and to find mental, emotional and spiritual stability along the way. And, based on class last night, it works! All I need is for Dorcas (Sol Yoga's owner) to provide a thorough ass-whooping (or quad-whooping) and I am good to go. Shaky, out-of-control leg muscles = calm, centered mind. I am a fire sign (Aries, through and through) and building that heat allows me to be clearheaded.

We were also offered the assistance of nutrition counselor, Samantha Neier, which rounds out the entire process for me. I lost quite a bit of weight before our wedding two years ago and have struggled to make healthy eating a habit and a lifestyle. I believe I have finally accomplished this (it only took two and a half years!) but it will be something I maintain for the rest of my life, every minute of every day. I love to eat and drink, so this struggle is a compromise and negotiation with myself. It will be interesting to journal about my feelings concerning food because I think I worked to detach most of my food feelings (at least when I'm not cheating!) and feel a bit scared to add those back in. But I'm interested in growing and working, so we'll see how it goes.

So, thank you Sol Yoga! If anyone wants to join me on this journey, I would welcome the company!


Amanda Mizeur,

Sol Yoga Volunteer

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