Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Practiced Today!

What a day. What a day. What a day. There is always a reason not to practice. But nothing was going to stop me tonight. My 2 wheel drive legs got me thru the snow to Jan’s Flow 1-2 tonight. The smell of incense, the sound of Jan telling a story and Steve’s smiling face welcomed me to a nice small practice. I’m not sure if the 10 minute space between home and class cleared the way for the yoga to work, but it worked. I feel grounded and inspired, hopeful yet realistic.

The reality is, its been too long since I’ve practiced physical asana with the necessarily duration or frequency. Being a new mom is an excuse, but one that is now grown old. My spirit is holding on pretty good, my mind is starting to come back, but my body has been devoted to pregnancy and breastfeeding for 17 months and it’s a little tired, knotted up and cranky. It needs gentle restoration and a little kickstart. This 21 day challenge is just what I need. Thanks Jan!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Is this where post for the 21 day challenge? Well...I practice Monday by doing some yoga with w\my 5th grade students who were nervous about taking a test. Just did some breathing and balance poses...when I grade the papers, I'll let you know!
Yesterday I got my extra mat out of my trunk and practiced for 45 minutes-yeah 1 hour early dismissal! Besides the distractions of the phone, the kids, and the cats crawling over the mat, it felt good.
