Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chaturanga Dandasana

Did you know that Yoga Journal has lots of great information on how to properly perform a pose?  For example, Chatarunga Dandasana is illustrated here.  If you expand all of the notes at the bottom you can learn tips, modifications, and most importantly contraindications.

Notice how the elbow and shoulder are level and the pelvis is up, not sagging down towards the mat? This is a proper Chatarunga that you can easily achieve once you have enough arm and core strength.

Sadly, I see a lot of improper Chatarungas when I teach.  I think students feel like they're "cheating" if they put their knees down.  NONSENSE!  You're simply being kind to your low back and shoulders and avoiding injury until you're strong enough to do it properly.  As a person currently rehabing a rotator cuff injury - trust me when I tell you that it's okay to lower your knees.

Remember every day on the mat is different.  You might have great form on Monday only to need a modification on Tuesday.  Or perhaps the first half of the class your Chatarunga is precise only to become misaligned later in the practice.  Relax - that's what modifications are for.  Speaking of which, here's a great video of the way to modify your chatarunga. 

Keep this in mind and use it when you need it.  Your shoulders and back will love you for it!


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