Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yoga For Infertility

I started my 21-Day Yoga Challenge early due to the fact that my husband and I are currently going through an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle and my egg retrieval will occur during the first week of April. I started Monday, March 7 and my 21st day is today - March 27. I attended 21 classes (all but 3 at Sol). The other three were Yoga for Fertility classes held in Rockville, MD at Pulling Down the Moon (PDtM). My husband and I have also been meditating as we lay in bed at night. We bought a package of meditations from Circle+Bloom that are for those going through IVF and each day of the stimulation medications that you have to inject daily and continue through the two-week waiting period to determine whether the pregnancy test is positive.

The first week of the 21-Day Yoga Challenge I attended higher level classes and by the end of the week I was exhausted. I was also battling a head cold and really had a tough time putting my head down in Child's Pose, which is supposed to be our home base and where we go when we need a rest. I could not even do that fully or my head would pound. I started to attend some gentle classes and what I found is sometimes they are even harder than the higher level classes because we really focus on holding certain poses and to get the alignment right.

Although Day 21 has come and gone, I am planning on continuing my daily practice, as who knows what the next day will bring. I may not be able to attend class during some of my upcoming days of our IVF cycle but I can still continue with the IVF meditation that we have been doing since our cycle began. This 21-Day Yoga Challenge has really kept my mind steady and ready for the long road ahead of us. It also has provided me with a schedule - I now leave work early enough to ensure I make it to yoga in time. In the past, I would just say - I guess I cannot make it today when I did not leave on time. I have now made it a priority.  Again, I know that I may not be able to keep this up especially when our dream of having a family becomes reality, but I am going to try and take it one day at a time and see what happens. It is what it is and I am not going to focus on what may be. It will be realized as the days carry on.

Finally, I am very excited at the prospect of a new calling for me. I obviously cannot give up my day job but I have found something I am passionate about - Yoga and Fertility. I will be starting Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in June and I realize that one of the areas I would like to focus is Yoga for Fertility/Prenatal Yoga. In fact, during my first Yoga for Fertility class, the teacher had us go around the room and tell our stories and why we were there as well as our yoga experience. I indicated that I was doing the challenge and would be doing YTT with Sol in the Summer. After the class and at my next acupuncture appointment (also for fertility), she asked if I would like to be her apprentice at PDtM, as she was looking for someone to help her with the Yoga for Fertility and Prenatal classes. I have a new found energy in me and really see this Spring as new beginnings for me and my family.

Thank you Sol for providing this opportunity to your students.



1 comment:

CDScott said...

Good luck Keri in both your new ventures, IVF & yoga training!